Frequently Asked Questions about Resume Yeti

This is a short list of our most frequently asked questions. For more information about Resume Yeti, or if you need support, please contact us!

Can I Try this Service before I sign up for a membership?

What is the ''Insert Page Break'' option for? Why doesn't the page break on the design page match the downloaded PDF?

Will the Resume Builder work on a mobile phone or a tablet?

Where can I find my matching Letterhead and Business Card?

Why are there two different Letterhead options to download?

What happens when I ''Make PDF Public''?

How should I print my Business Card?

Will subscribing to this service improve my chances of getting a job?

What are Resume Keywords used for and why do the matter?

Are your services compatible with Applicant Tracking Systems?

If I subscribe, can I cancel my subscription?

How many templates can I use? Do I have the ability to create multiple resumes for different job sectors?

Once I select a template, can I save my info and put it into another template?

How should I print my Resume? Can I use my home printer?

Is this service tax deductible?